Press Release

5 Perfect Hacks To Remove Bad Odour From Your Shoes


Summer is a time when festivals and beach parties are the preferred social setting for most people, unfortunately, this might mean that your favourite shoes go unkept and start producing unpleasant odours.

That’s why the team of experts at WeThrift has shared five TikTok hacks that will help remove bad smells from your shoes.

  1. Add dryer sheets to the soles of your shoes

To remove strong odours from your shoes, TikToker @dsanglay recommends using tumble dryer sheets. The hack is really simple, place the dryer sheet at the bottom of the shoe and let them sit for a while. For childrens shoes, cut the dryer sheets in half!

Top Tip: Trend Expert, Nick Drewe: “You can use dryer sheets to quiet squeaky rubber soles. Simply rub the sheet onto the sole of your shoe, the residue should help remove any friction.”

  1. Use baking soda to remove odours 

Baking soda is a multipurpose item that you probably have in your cupboard, so before you think of throwing your shoes into the washing machine and potentially ruining the shape.

TikToker @carolina.mccauley recommends using an old pair of tights. Start by adding a few scoops of baking powder inside of the tights, tie them up and place them inside of your shoes.

Top Tip from Nick Drewe at WeThrift: “if you can’t find any baking powder around your home, look for two or three unused tea bags, depending on how strong the odour is. Then you can place them inside of your shoes, let them sit for 24hrs.”  

  1. Put your shoes in the freezer

TikTok user @machereford suggests putting your shoes in the freezer. This is a simple but effective hack, start by ‘knocking off dirt and mud’ then put them in the freezer, leaving them in for a couple hours before taking them out, the cold is a proven trick to kill the smell.

Trend Expert. Nick Drewe says: “For this hack you may want to wrap the shoe in plastic before placing it in the freezer, as you won’t want your shoes causing food contamination”

  1. Eliminate odours by using Vix vapour rub

For this hack, you will need to use a tub of Vicks Vapour Rub. Start by rubbing the product all over the sole of your shoe. To avoid a messy application you may want to wear some gloves before spreading the product or use an old toothbrush to spread it throughout the shoes.

Let the product sit and use a wipe to remove any excess product. This hack was displayed on TikTok by @asortips

  1. Use rubbing alcohol at the bottom of our shoe

For this hack, there are two ways you can achieve odourless shoes. Firstly you will need to fill a small bowl with rubbing alcohol, use a cotton pad to soak the solution, and apply to the sole of the shoe until it is completely covered.

Alternatively, you can pour the rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle and apply the mixture to the inside of your shoe. As rubbing alcohol is a natural antiseptic it will disinfect your shoe and naturally dry out the odour.

Source: WeThrift

This article was sourced from a media release sent by Kudzai Chinez @ JBH

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