
Introducing The Woman Behind The Latest Issue Of StarCentral Magazine: The Beautiful Jasmine Naziri

Jasmine Naziri hails from a mixed ethnic background which always allowed her to stay open-minded and instilled a constant curiosity and appreciation to learn as much as possible about different cultures, which is where the love and passion for travel came about.

Naziri has been fortunate to travel throughout her life, a lot of this started from professional modeling. She was scouted in Los Angeles to model at the age of 14 and had the excitement and adrenaline rush of working in the modeling industry for 8 years which had its ups and downs but was an incredible learning experience and was a good percentage of what has molded her as a person today. She learned at a young age in the industry all about business and what it took to be a good businesswoman. Her father and family are brilliant at starting their own businesses and becoming successful entrepreneurs, and that was her foundation.

Being immersed in the modeling industry at a young age teaches the importance and the power of self-branding and marketing overall. It was at a young age that her greater passion was not posing in front of the camera but operating business and promotion along with all evolving elements of marketing. she went from interning in Marketing at Paramount Pictures to marketing for PBS Television then deciding she had the tools to start her own modeling agency. From there she went on to graduate school to sharpen her skills more so and came back working for a dream job in the beauty industry as head of business development and marketing.

You can read all about her via this link.

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